Thursday, July 17, 2008

1st gen->2nd gen, 2.5G->3G, 8GB->16GB, Skyhook->GPS, Recessed->Flush, $20->$35, Black->Black

I had to keep bugging the local Apple store, but finally it paid off. Oh, if you're relying on Apple's iPhone availability checker, you should know that all it tells you is whether there were phones left over from the previous night. At this point, they never have phones left over, but they get shipments during the day, so you're better off just calling throughout the day and being ready to get there quickly if they have some.

I thought I wanted white, but they only had black. It turns out that was actually what I wanted. The thing that photos don't really convey is that, when you handle the white iPhone, you see from certain angles that it looks weird. The black front and white back clash. The white does look really nice though, as long as you don't look at it from certain angles.

Anyway, here's a speed test:


This is in Louisville, full 3G bars, as you can see. And here's a GPS test:


X marks my actual location, inside the house. It took about 10 seconds to get a GPS fix. When I was walking around outside with it, it seemed to be much more accurate.

I'll post more about it later, with comparisons to my 1st gen iPhone.


Anonymous said...

White and black never clash. They are complete opposites and always go together. Yin and Yang, Black an White, Good and Evil, etc.

Not to mention white will almost never show the fingerprints and if it's like MacBooks and iBooks since the paint is on the inside it won't get dirty.

I've got the white one and it looks fine. If it bothers you put a black case on it and be done with it. :)

zachery wood said...

I see what you're saying. It's just too bad they didn't make a red and green iPhone.

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