Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Barren River Lake

I'm just testing Shozu's Blogger upload capability.

Posted by ShoZu

Friday, July 18, 2008

Interesting, Good


I just noticed that with the iPhone 3G (and the 2.0 firmware, in general, I guess?), the iPod application doesn't time out and become unresponsive to the headset clicker. It always annoyed me before, when I paused it with the headset button, if I waited too long, I wouldn't be able to restart the music with another click. I could hear a brief static, as the iPod app went to bed. Now, even after that static - about 15 minutes, maybe - a single click of the headset button brings it back.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

1st gen->2nd gen, 2.5G->3G, 8GB->16GB, Skyhook->GPS, Recessed->Flush, $20->$35, Black->Black

I had to keep bugging the local Apple store, but finally it paid off. Oh, if you're relying on Apple's iPhone availability checker, you should know that all it tells you is whether there were phones left over from the previous night. At this point, they never have phones left over, but they get shipments during the day, so you're better off just calling throughout the day and being ready to get there quickly if they have some.

I thought I wanted white, but they only had black. It turns out that was actually what I wanted. The thing that photos don't really convey is that, when you handle the white iPhone, you see from certain angles that it looks weird. The black front and white back clash. The white does look really nice though, as long as you don't look at it from certain angles.

Anyway, here's a speed test:


This is in Louisville, full 3G bars, as you can see. And here's a GPS test:


X marks my actual location, inside the house. It took about 10 seconds to get a GPS fix. When I was walking around outside with it, it seemed to be much more accurate.

I'll post more about it later, with comparisons to my 1st gen iPhone.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

iPhoto Problems '08: Preferences Gone Wild

In case you've started having freezing/crashing problems with iPhoto lately, I might be able to save you some time. For me, iPhoto just started freezing up a few seconds after I opened it, only to be resolved with a force-quit.

After a bit of digging, I tracked the problem down to the sharing settings in iPhoto's preferences. If the application is crashing too fast for you to even get into this setting, you'll have to delete iPhoto's preference file, found here: username/Library/Preferences. Look for the file called com.apple.iPhoto.plist and delete it. Now, you should be able to open iPhoto without freezes, but it will probably look a little different. That's okay, you can set its appearance back to how you like it once you've fixed the problem.

From what I've discerned, the problem stems from having "Look for shared photos" AND "Share my photos" simultaneously selected. By default, "Look for shared photos" is selected. If you want share your photos, you have to FIRST deselect "Look for shared photos". It's dumb, but it seems like, for the time being, you can't have it both ways. I suspect that the last MobileMe update is the culprit, so, hopefully, it will be resolved soon.

Once the crashing seems to be fixed, you can go back and set the rest of your iPhoto preferences the way you like. It wouldn't hurt, though, to make a copy of your com.apple.iPhoto.plist and save it to your desktop, just in case some other preference change breaks iPhoto again - then you can restore it to its last working state by copying your good preference file back into your preferences folder (quit iPhoto first), overwriting the wack file.

Friday, July 11, 2008



I like the AOL instant messenger app, but it's not notifying me of new messages unless I have it open. In the keynote, Jobs said they were giving developers a workaround notification system for exactly this kind of scenario. The application even has a preference setting for whether or not it quits when you close it. I don't really know how the notifications are pushed, but maybe the server that's supposed to do that is being overloaded right now, like MobileMe.

Update: I guess I overlooked this before, but according to arstechnica, the push notification support isn't scheduled to be released to developers until September.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

iPhone 2.0 Geotagging

I installed the 2.0 software on my 1.0 iPhone today, and have been gradually working through the differences as well as the third party apps. As advertised, the camera now seems to offer to geotag your photos as you take them - it asks you when you open the camera app whether you want to allow it to access location data. Sure, why not.

So I took a test picture and uploaded it to Flickr, via email, to see how it works.

Testing iPhone 2.0 geotagging
Well, it didn't. Just like before, emailing a photo strips essential EXIF data, including coordinates. I then tried transferring it to my computer to see if the geotag would be preserved that way.
It worked! Which means... I'm in China. Huh. The weird thing is that the Google Map application locates me very accurately.

I did notice something very positive. Compare this picture I took last night:


to the one above. The one taken with the 2.0 firmware looks much better, right? And they were both taken in approximately the same lighting conditions.

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