Friday, July 11, 2008



I like the AOL instant messenger app, but it's not notifying me of new messages unless I have it open. In the keynote, Jobs said they were giving developers a workaround notification system for exactly this kind of scenario. The application even has a preference setting for whether or not it quits when you close it. I don't really know how the notifications are pushed, but maybe the server that's supposed to do that is being overloaded right now, like MobileMe.

Update: I guess I overlooked this before, but according to arstechnica, the push notification support isn't scheduled to be released to developers until September.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I have been wondering the same exact thing.
I will keep checking back to see if you have ever found a solution. Also, have you used the Twitterrific app yet? I love it, but wish it would self-reload every minute like the Hahlo3 web app does.


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